
Let's do the architecture here... soon...

File structure

In the meantime, here's an overview of how the file structure works in Murder. We did the following diagram to help with that:

file structure diagram

The idea is that the game inherits Murder engine, and the game can be built standalone regardless of an editor. This is what your game project should look like:

└── root 
    └── resources
    └── src
        ├── game
        │   ├── bin (final game)
        │   ├── packed
        │   └── resources
        └── game.editor
            ├── bin (game editor)
            └── resources

The editor is there to facilicate creating assets and debugging the game itself. It manages the resource management, and will make sure that any assets currently present in root/resources will be deployed into src/game/resources as the final assets.

Any new assets should be saved directly on root/resources and the editor will automatically pick that up.